Fraction Bars

Friday, June 21, 2019 No comments
Fractions can be tough for students to understand. When I introduce fractions I use several visual ways to show my students fractions. One visual I use is fraction bars. 

This visual really helps students compare one whole and breaking it in fractions. I made this sheet for my students. I have them glue it into their math interactive notebook so they can reference it when needed. You can grab my Fraction Bars in my store HERE.

2019-2020 School Year Calendars and a Freebie!

Thursday, June 20, 2019 No comments
They are here! I finally updated the school year calendars in my store. Check out my free sample I offer HERE to get an idea of what it looks like. 

If you like it and it works for you then you can grab the full year HERE. It follows the school year here in the USA so August to July.

Looking for a more colorful calendar to keep your important dates on? I also have this calendar in my store. You can grab it HERE

I'm working on a few more calendars so make sure you follow me on TPT for my latest product updates! Visit my whole store HERE

Make A Wish!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 No comments
I just had to share this! A student gave me this as a gift. I just absolutely love it! Today I made my wish and tied it on. Here is a link to the owner's shop on Esty where my student bought it from. She has a ton of other ones - for weddings, teachers, friends, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and more.

Head to her shop HERE

Speaking of teacher gifts - what are some of your favorites? I always ask for donations to my Donors Choose project. I am currently working on getting iPads for my classroom. Check out my project HERE. Donors Choose is an amazing organization and always helps teachers get needed items for their classrooms. Currently, they are matching all donations so my $800 project can be fully funded for only $400.00. If a donation of $20 is turned in then it becomes $40! No amount is too small and I have had several corporations donate to my causes - remember it also a tax write off!

My other favorite gift is a TPT gift card!! Who doesn't want one of those? I am constantly supporting TPT sellers with their amazing resources!

Lastly, another favorite gift would be gift cards to stores like Target, office stores, Ikea, any stores that I can buy items for my classroom.

I love that I get gifts that are for me but my true joy is to put back into my classroom, my students and my teaching.

School Is Out For Summer!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 No comments
I did it!! I successfully completed my first year as a 5th grade teacher......and they asked me to come back next year! So I must have done something right! Seriously - I love my school, I love 5th grade, I love my team, and I love the people I get to work with! I might be the only teacher who is excited to for the next school year!

So today was my first official day of summer break and I was up with the puppy at much for sleeping in. Good thing she is cute.

We added Violet to our family in April. She is the best silver lab! I love her so much and can't wait to spend my time with her. Of course in between my two son's and their travel baseball games! This summer will fly by and yet I have so many things I want to accomplish for the next school year.

Today I got my Erin Condren teacher planner and I couldn't wait to start decorating and planning in it. Yep, the first day of break and I am already planning! I absolutely love her teacher planners. This is my second year using her planners. I do not get any credit for mentioning her store or planners but I am of the mindset that if something is working for you to share it with others. Head over to her store here to get yours. I promise you will love it!

So here is how I left my room. We cannot get into our rooms until early August due to construction so I will be using these pictures to plan my room for next year. Now that I have a year under my belt with the school, teachers, and curriculum I have so many ideas that I want to implement. So many things I want to change for next year. So stay tuned for my room progress. Happy Summer!

Loss of a co-worker

Thursday, April 4, 2019 No comments
Have you experienced this? I have never until this week. We found out our social worker had passed. It was totally a shock. One day he was helping kiddos, the next day he was gone. We were advised of a meeting in the morning the day after the notification. I couldn't sleep that night. I was worried about what I would say to the students? Would we start state testing? Do I teach full force engagement or do I keep it lighter learning? So many questions.....

The next morning, I arrived at school and headed to the media room. The room was very somber. The district sent in a crisis team. I listened attentively as to what my role as a teacher is and how I can assist. We learned that the media center would be a place for students to come and process in their own way with the assistance of an amazing amount of resources (social workers, psychologists, mental heatlth professionals). The staff was informed if they needed time to process we had 2 subs in the building ready to take over our class at a moments notice as well as several other certified staff members that could step in. We were told that we would be postponing state testing for at least the day. We were advised that because the parents were notified we did not need to discuss in our classroom if we did not feel comfortable. I knew my 5th graders would have questions, especially since they were not testing. Again, I had the full support of my district. If I did not feel comfortable talking with my class they would step in and discuss.

I headed to my classroom. As I walked through the halls I heard students saying "He's dead!" "He died of a heart attack!" "No, I heard he died in a car accident!" I knew a conversation was in order. My students came in.....quiet. I asked them if they knew why we were not testing and every single one of them knew. Thankfully, I have wonderful parents who all spoke with their children the night before about what happened. We discussed it briefly, I let them know their options should they need help to process, and then we moved on with our day. I have a very chatty class this year but I was never so impressed by their respect for our wonderful social worker, and their lack of "antics" throughout the day. My class worked, stayed focus, and were kind to one heart was full seeing my students show so much compassion.

The staff I work with was amazing too. All of us were constantly checking in on one another, on each other's students, and providing hugs and kleenex when needed. I dropped off crayons and my fun tub of crafts in the media room for any kiddos who wanted to express their thoughts in a card for the family.

It was at the end of the day that I realized I am truly blessed. I am truly FORTUNATE to be where I am in life. I believe everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we cannot see the reason. I picked this job over another and made a last minute decision because in my gut I knew it was right. The district I work for, the staff I work with, the students I teach, and the parents that support me are all the reason why I ended up in 5th grade at Neubert. Sometimes we take life for granted. We don't do it on purpose but it is moments like these that ground me, bring me back to what is important in life. I was blessed to have my social worker in my life. He not only helped my kiddos that were struggling he help me, help those students. He will be greatly missed!

Monday, April 1, 2019 No comments
It’s back to school today and state testing starts....we can do it!


Monday, March 11, 2019 No comments
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a 5th grade teacher and I always have "stuff" rolling around in my head, so now I have somewhere to put my thoughts, share, and give shout outs. So here goes nothing!

I recently switch district and took a position in 5th grade. I was in 1st grade - big difference. I always thought I would be a primary teacher but all the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly for me to take this 5th grade position. The year is almost over and I LOVE teaching 5th grade. The students are so independent, less needy, still want to please their teacher, can have an intelligent, thoughtful conversation and can laugh at the fact that I still love One Direction!

Speaking of One Direction, our school is a PBIS school and today students went to our "Royal Store" to cash in their "Royal Gems" for items or privileges. Three of my girls used their gems to get me a One Direction poster! So sweet!

Going from 1st grade to 5th grade was not only a big difference with the students but my entire classroom was no longer grade appropriate. I have been fumbling through this year finding my way, learning curriculum new to me, and trying to organize my room. Most recently I organized my math centers. I brought in one of my Ikea cubbies that my kids were no longer using for toys, made some tags and tied them on. It is little things like this organization that makes me happy!


Tuesday, February 26, 2019 No comments
Thank you for visiting Fortunate in Fifth Grade. Please check back soon for updates.