Fraction Bars

Friday, June 21, 2019 No comments
Fractions can be tough for students to understand. When I introduce fractions I use several visual ways to show my students fractions. One visual I use is fraction bars. 

This visual really helps students compare one whole and breaking it in fractions. I made this sheet for my students. I have them glue it into their math interactive notebook so they can reference it when needed. You can grab my Fraction Bars in my store HERE.

2019-2020 School Year Calendars and a Freebie!

Thursday, June 20, 2019 No comments
They are here! I finally updated the school year calendars in my store. Check out my free sample I offer HERE to get an idea of what it looks like. 

If you like it and it works for you then you can grab the full year HERE. It follows the school year here in the USA so August to July.

Looking for a more colorful calendar to keep your important dates on? I also have this calendar in my store. You can grab it HERE

I'm working on a few more calendars so make sure you follow me on TPT for my latest product updates! Visit my whole store HERE

Make A Wish!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 No comments
I just had to share this! A student gave me this as a gift. I just absolutely love it! Today I made my wish and tied it on. Here is a link to the owner's shop on Esty where my student bought it from. She has a ton of other ones - for weddings, teachers, friends, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and more.

Head to her shop HERE

Speaking of teacher gifts - what are some of your favorites? I always ask for donations to my Donors Choose project. I am currently working on getting iPads for my classroom. Check out my project HERE. Donors Choose is an amazing organization and always helps teachers get needed items for their classrooms. Currently, they are matching all donations so my $800 project can be fully funded for only $400.00. If a donation of $20 is turned in then it becomes $40! No amount is too small and I have had several corporations donate to my causes - remember it also a tax write off!

My other favorite gift is a TPT gift card!! Who doesn't want one of those? I am constantly supporting TPT sellers with their amazing resources!

Lastly, another favorite gift would be gift cards to stores like Target, office stores, Ikea, any stores that I can buy items for my classroom.

I love that I get gifts that are for me but my true joy is to put back into my classroom, my students and my teaching.