Teacher Toolbox Makeover

Sunday, July 25, 2021 No comments

 How many things are you getting crossed off your summer to do list? This project has been on my list for a while now. Why do things that are certain colors cost more? Ugh! I wanted a black toolbox but it was more expensive so I bought the blue and have lived with the dull greyish blue color for too long. I finally painted it black. Super easy to do. I just grabbed a can of black spray paint, sanded it a bit, and then sprayed it up. I love how it turned out. It really makes my color labels pop now. I can't wait to get it back in my classroom and set it up. 

New Bulletin Boards....Well Not Really!

Monday, July 12, 2021 No comments

So I did a thing today. I went into school today to get a jump start on copies. Have you ever seen the copy room the week before school starts? It's crazy! Some of our classrooms had to have the tile replace - of course this was my room. So I had to pack everything up in my classroom at the end of the year! UGH! The good news is the floors got done so quickly we also got our rooms repainted. Yay! 

I went down to take a peek at my room and there they were........the ugly brown cork boards. I always cover them with black paper and I buy my own paper because let's face it, the school paper sucks! Anyways I have always wanted to paint them. A few Youtube videos later and a trip to Home Depot bam newly painted boards. I primed it first as the amazing lady at Home Depot told me if I didn't prime it the paint would flake off every time I pulled a staple out of it. Trimmed it out, rolled it out, and then stood back and smiled in my happy place! I can't wait to get them decorated!


No Name!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2021 No comments

 How stinking cute is this? Score at Hobby Lobby! I can't tell you how many times I have students (5th graders keep in mind) that still turn in their papers with no names on them. I cannot wait to use this in my classroom this year!

Math Vocabulary!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 No comments

 I have been so busy this summer getting back into my TPT business and have been creating, and creating, and creating! Just wanted to show you one product that I really wanted for my math centers this year. My district just adopted Into Math last year. Well, we all know what last year was like teaching in a pandemic let alone taking on a new curriculum! As I taught Into Math what I noticed the most was the lack of understanding of math vocabulary. Many of my student's test scores went down because they pick the wrong answer completely because they did not know what the question was asking and what the math vocabulary was in the problem. I'm really hoping we can return to centers this year as I will rotate these vocabulary cards into my centers. 

I think I will be sorting the cards by our units and what vocabulary is used in the unit. There are also some vocabulary cards I will use at the beginning of the year that should be known as they were introduced in previous grades. I also made all words and definitions to match the same color background to help with differentiating. Now there is more than one page of each color but it will help narrow down the choices. 

Click on the image below to grab your set of Math Vocabulary Cards at my store! 
