
Monday, March 11, 2019
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a 5th grade teacher and I always have "stuff" rolling around in my head, so now I have somewhere to put my thoughts, share, and give shout outs. So here goes nothing!

I recently switch district and took a position in 5th grade. I was in 1st grade - big difference. I always thought I would be a primary teacher but all the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly for me to take this 5th grade position. The year is almost over and I LOVE teaching 5th grade. The students are so independent, less needy, still want to please their teacher, can have an intelligent, thoughtful conversation and can laugh at the fact that I still love One Direction!

Speaking of One Direction, our school is a PBIS school and today students went to our "Royal Store" to cash in their "Royal Gems" for items or privileges. Three of my girls used their gems to get me a One Direction poster! So sweet!

Going from 1st grade to 5th grade was not only a big difference with the students but my entire classroom was no longer grade appropriate. I have been fumbling through this year finding my way, learning curriculum new to me, and trying to organize my room. Most recently I organized my math centers. I brought in one of my Ikea cubbies that my kids were no longer using for toys, made some tags and tied them on. It is little things like this organization that makes me happy!

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